ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING is a company located in Auxonne (F-21130), near Dijon, in Burgundy, France.
ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING has an experience of more than 40 years in the field of magnetic products. An advanced technology and an economic optimization are the grounds of an opened range of permanent magnets and magnetic assemblies.
ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING is also recognized for the quality of its service to its customers. Through preferential partnership relations, we can propose solutions perfectly in line with your applications in association with technical feasibility and economic imperative.
ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING, a local know-how in a worldwide area.
ECS FRANCE MAGNET ENGINEERING is your ideal partner for the definition, the optimization and the supply of your permanent magnets and sub-assemblies integrating magnetic functions in small, middle and large series.